24-Port Gigabit Web Smart Switch
(24x 10/100/1000Mbps ports + 2 paired SFP Ports)
(8x 10/100/1000Mbps ports + 16 SFP Ports)
User’s Manual
Version: 1.1.0
January 31, 2005
ARLAging ......................................................................................................... 50
User Management ..................................................................................................... 51
Reset System.............................................................................................................. 52
Command Line Interface (CLI) .............................................................................. 53
Hyper Terminal Setup Options........................................................................ 53
Switch Management Commands In Console.................................................. 53
Specifications............................................................................................................................. 58
1 Introduction
The GSS-24T2SFP web smart switch is a high performance web-smart Layer 2 switch that provides
users with switched 24 10/100/1000Mbps Ethernet ports, and 2 paired mini-GBIC ports. The mini
GBIC ports are paired with ports 1 and 2 on the switch. This pairing is configured to ensure that fibre
connections get higher priority over copper if both fibre and copper media exist. Single-mode or
multi-mode fiber SFP transceivers can be utilized to provide high speed backbone connectivity. A
Web based management interface provides control for the various switch functions and enables easy
management either locally of remotely with any industry standard web browser.
The GSS-8T16SFP web smart switch is a high performance web-smart Layer 2 switch that provides
users with switched 8 10/100/1000Mbps Ethernet ports, and 16 mini-GBIC ports.
The Switch provides Non-blocking, Maximum wire speed performance on all switched ports, while
also supporting auto-negotiation and MDI/-MDIX functions.
This switch supports both port-based VLAN and 802.1q (tag-based) VLAN. For high bandwidth
applications, the switch supports 4 trunk groups with up to 8 ports per trunk group. These trunks
enable port failover within their group for redundant links.
In addition to in-band management through the switches RJ-45 ports, also provided is a RS-232
terminal port with CLI (Command Line Interface) for system administrators to perform initial
configuration or modify operational modes independently from the in-band network.
This document will refer to the GSS-24T2SFP from this point forward.
The Feature set is the same between the two switches – they are based on the same switch controller.
The only differing points are:
GSS-24T2SFP has 2 SFP ports that are paired with ports 23 and 24.
GSS-8T16SFP has 16 SFP ports, these are not paired with any copper ports.
Main Features
Utilizes Latest Broadcom chipset
Non-blocking, full-line speed, store-and-forward operation
Support normal Ethernet frames and jumbo frames from 64 bytes to 9216 bytes
Auto-negotiation and auto-MDIX on all 10/100/1000M copper ports
24x 10/100/1000 RJ-45 ports, 2 ports being shared with SFP mini-GBIC slots
Auto-detection for copper/fibre media link on 2 combo ports
512 K bytes packet buffer
8K MAC entries, 4K VLAN entries
Web-based interface for system management via the Ethernet connection
Provide the command line interface (CLI) for simple system setup via the RS-232 port
Support port-based VLAN and 4K 802.1q (tag-based) VLAN
Up to 4 trunk groups, maximum 8 member ports for each trunk, more over, with fail-over
Supports flow control for both half- or full-duplex operation
Supports port mirror
Provide port statistics
Supports 802.1p QoS (Quality of Service) with 4 queues
Supports broadcast storm control
Supports rate control
Supports port security to prevent traffic flooding
Supports firmware update via BOOTP/TFTP
LED display for each port to show link and activity status
Wall mount, Rack mount or desktop
Broadcom is registered trademark of Broadcom Corporation
1.1 Managing The Switch
Plug-in the power source to power-up the switch. After the switch is powered-on and in a ready state
(both the LED indicators POWER and DIAG are lit), you can use any in-band Ethernet port to
remotely manage the system through a web browser, or use the RS-232 cable to plug-in the console
port (on the rear panel) to locally perform simple system configuration (CLI).
The default IP and related settings for this switch are shown as following:
IP address:
Network mask:
Default gateway:
Try to use the default IP shown above to PING the switch from your PC to make sure the network
connection is successful. The default IP address on this switch can be modified later if you need. If
you encounter problems accessing the switch via this IP address, then you can optionally connect to
the switch via the RS-232 Console port to confirm the switches IP address.
Now you can use your internet browser to access the web based management interface.
The login dialog box (shown as below) will display when the switch’s IP address is provided through
your browser.
Use the default username and password shown as below to complete the login procedure:
Username: admin
Password: admin
This username/password can be modified from within the management interface.
1.2 Configuration Functions for the Switch
After the login is successfully validated, the switch’s home page will display. The left part of the page
provides function menu options (shown as below). Select one of these options to activate to the
individual configuration page.
The function menu contains two parts: Switch for setting up the switch functions and System for
maintaining system parameters.
Switch functions include:
Port Status – shows port link status and configuration parameters
Port Statistics – shows packet statistics for each port
Port-based VLAN – to setup the port-based VLAN
802.1Q VLAN – to configure the tag-based VLAN
Trunk – to implement port aggregation features
Mirror – to implement port mirroring features
QOS – to configure Quality of Service features
Rate & Storm Control – to configure traffic limit settings and suppress broadcast storms
System functions include:
System Setup – configure system information (such as IP address, etc.)
User Management – maintain the login information that enables access to the switch
Reboot System – reboot the switch without re-writing default configuration
Reset System – reboot the switch after re-writing default configuration
Logout – log off the current admin user
2 Configuration
2.1 Port Status
The Port Status page provides link status information.
This page provides the following information:
Port – to specify a port on the switch
Link Status – displays the port link status: Up / Down
Speed / Duplex – displays the current link speed (1G / 100M / 10M bps)
and duplex mode (Full / Half) when the port is active.
NOTE: Only full duplex mode is supported on links whose speed is 1Gbps.
Flow Control – displays the flow control capability as Enable / Disable for the port.
The status for columns: Speed/Duplex and Flow Control will not display while the port link is down.
(The sign ‘-‘ represents the status is unavailable to display.)
If any trunk groups have been defined then that group should be regarded as one logical port (e.g.
Trk1 in above figure contains Ports9 & 10 in one logical grouping). The trunk member ports will not
display individually. Section 2.7 (Trunk) describes port trunking in detail.
Click the Refresh button to manually get the most current link status for all ports.
2.2 Port Configuration
If you need to configure port parameters, then select the desired port by clicking the Port number in
the Port Status page. The Port Configuration page (shown as below) for the selected port (e.g. port3)
will be displayed:
The following parameters will be provided and configured in the Port Configuration page:
Port – the selected port number to be configured (read only)
Admin – to enable/disable reception/transmission of traffic for the port
Disable – to block all traffic for the port
Enable – to enable bi-directional traffic for the port
(Media --) Auto Negotiation – to enable/disable the capability of auto negotiation on the
selected port. The options provided by this function, depends on the port type – combo ports
(Port1 & Port2) which are shared with fibre media using the mini-GBIC interfaces, or ordinary
ports (from Port3 to Port24) for copper media only.
4 Options for combo ports (Port1 and Port2)
Copper – Disable, Fiber – Disable – to disable both media
Copper – Enable, Fiber – Disable – to enable the copper but disable the fiber media
Copper – Disable, Fiber – Enable – to disable the copper but enable the fiber media
Copper –Enable, Fiber –Enable – to enable both media
2 Options for ordinary ports (Port3 to Port24, copper media only)
Disable – to disable auto mode this port (forced mode)
Enable – to enable auto mode this port
The following figure shows the port configuration page for a combo port. (e.g. Port1)
Speed / Duplex – to setup the link speed and duplex mode while in forced mode
The options for this function can be selected only when the Auto Negotiation is Disabled (in
forced mode) for copper media. There are 4 options for this parameter:
100Mbps Full – to set the speed 100Mbps in full duplex mode
100Mbps Half – to set the speed 100Mbps in half duplex mode
10Mbps Full – to set the speed 10Mbps in full duplex mode
10Mbps Half – to set the speed 10Mbps in half duplex mode
NOTE: The switch supports linking in 1Gbps full duplex mode for both copper and fiber
ports while the auto-negotiation is enabled (auto mode). When in forced mode (i.e. auto-
negotiation is disabled), 1Gbps full duplex mode is supported for fiber media only, not for
Flow Control – to enable/disable flow control function
Disable -- to disable for the port
Enable – to enable for the port
Default Priority – to setup the priority of frames which will be referenced in QOS function
0 – 7 – to set the priority level (range = 0 ~ 7)
Security – to enable/disable port security function
If per-port security is enabled and if a received frame contains a source MAC address that has
already been learned in another port’s address table but not aged out, then the received frame will
be dropped. Otherwise, the address table entry is updated with the new port’s information and
the previous entry is released.
Disable -- to disable port security
Enable – to enable port security
Jumbo Frame – to enable/disable jumbo frames function
If the per-port jumbo frame feature is enabled, the maximum frame size is 9216 bytes. In 100
Mbps mode, the maximum jumbo frame size supported is 9000 bytes
Disable -- to disable jumbo frame support
Enable – to enable jumbo frame support
After the desired options are selected for the above functions, click the Apply button to save the
current settings to the switch and revert back to the Port Status Page. Click the Cancel button to
revert back to Port Status page without saving changes.
2.3 About the Copper/Fiber Media Auto-Detection
This switch provides an option to use either copper or fiber media for the first two combo ports -
Port1 and Port2. This enables port configuration using either copper media or fiber media via use of
the mini-GBIC ports and optional SFP (mini-GBIC) modules. The switch will automatically detect
the media type that is plugged into the switch and configure the port as required. If both copper and
fiber media are plugging-in, the fiber media has higher priority than copper and will initially be
used to setup the link. The copper media link will be down. The link for the copper media will be
re-established once the fiber media is un-plugged. The Port Status page will show the current link
status according to the active media type.
2.4 Port Statistics
Port Statistics function will let you to see the TX/RX packet counters for each port.
Clear Counters button will clear all packet counters to 0. Refresh button will get port statistics again.
You can drill down into more detailed port statistics by clicking the Port number.
The table shown below provides a description for each column.
Number of good unicast packets transmitted.
Number of good multicast packets transmitted.
Number of good broadcast packets transmitted.
Number of packets in which the transmission experienced one collision
Number of packets in which the transmission experienced over two collisions
Number of packets(including bad ones) transmitted that were 64 Bytes in
Single Collision
Multi Collisions
64 BytePkts
65-127 BytePkts
128-255 BytePkts
256-511 BytePkts
512-1023 BytePkts
Number of packets(including bad ones) transmitted that were 65-127 Bytes in
Number of packets(including bad ones) transmitted that were 128-255 Bytes
in length
Number of packets(including bad ones) transmitted that were 256-511 Bytes
in length
Number of packets(including bad ones) transmitted that were 512-1023 Bytes
in length
1024-1522 BytePkts Number of Non-Jumbo packets(including bad ones) transmitted that were
1024-1522 Bytes in length
Number of packets received of proper-size with CRC error and integral octets
Number of packets received of proper-size with CRC error and non-integral
Number of packets received of proper-size that experienced symbol error
during reception
Number of packets received that were less than 64 bytes without CRC or
alignment error
Number of packets received that were greater than the maximum length
without CRC or alignment error
2.5 Port-Based VLAN
Port-based VLAN divides the switches ports into different Virtual LAN domain groups. After setting
up port -based VLAN, ports allocated into different VLAN groups can not access each other. This is
like creating virtual switches that do not connect to each other.
The VLAN initial setting page is shown as below:
Of course, you need to click the Enable/Disable link text to enable/disable port-based VLAN. When
port-based VLAN is enabled, the 802.1Q VLAN will be disabled automatically. Both port-based
VLAN and 802.1Q VLAN can not co-exist at the same time.
You can add, delete and modify port-based VLAN as required. Currently the switch supports up to 32
port-based VLAN groups for manual entry. The next few pages will described in detail, how to
configure port-based VLAN.
NOTE: A default port-based VLAN entry (No=1) is initially created by the system. This VLAN
entry contains all ports as member and can be regarded as a non operational VLAN, as all
ports are in the same group and no traffic isolation exists between any two ports. If new
port-based VLAN groups are created, then VLAN No. 1 will contain no members. Group No. 1
is a read-only VLAN group. There are only 2 situations for this VLAN – all ports are member
ports, or all ports are not members.
Add Port-Based VLAN Groups
To add a port-based VLAN group, select the Create New VLAN in VLAN NO dropdown of the
Port-Based VLAN page shown as below:
After selecting Create New VLAN, the page will change to the following:
In the example page, VLAN NO will be auto assigned. The administrator simply needs to set VLAN
Port Members. After completing the settings, press the Create button. The screen will then revert back
to the VLAN initial settings page. The Cancel button can be used to back out without saving.
Below is an example page where the Administrator has set Ports1-12 to VLAN Group2 after clicking
the Create button. There now exists a VLAN group No.2 with member Ports1-12.
When group No.2 was created, all the members in group No.1 are removed ensure correct operation
of the VLAN function.
2.5.1 Delete Port-Based VLAN Groups
To delete a port-based VLAN group, just select a desired group (e.g. No.2) to be removed and click
the Remove This VLAN button to do the deletion.
In this example after selecting the Remove This VLAN button, the resultant is all VLANs deleted,
and the Default VLAN 1 - enabled. (see below)
Now all ports are set to be members of VLAN group No.1.
2.5.2 Edit Port-Based VLAN Groups
To edit the current port-based VLAN group, first select the group (e.g. group No. 3) that you want to
edit. To add Port7 & Port8 as members, select these ports and click the Apply button to activate the
The following figure shows the latest configuration for the selected group (e.g. No.3).
2.6 802.1Q VLAN
IEEE 802.1q (tag-based) VLAN’s can add or strip 802.1q tags based on your parameters set for each
transmitting port. Select the 802.1Q VLAN menu to activate the following page where this function
can be configured.
Currently the switch supports up to 32 tag-based VLAN groups for manual entry.
The following pages will described in detail how to configure this feature.
Warning !!!
Incorrect configuration of Tagged VLAN can create a situation where the web interface of the switch
cannot be accessed. This can occur when the PVID of the port you are using or the VID of the VLAN
group the port belongs to is not on the same as the CPU PVID, and the port is configured to drop
untagged ingress frames.
The CPU port (this is not a physical port) is a member of PVID 1 by default.
To adjust the CPU port PVID settings, select the port via port number 25. (Console only option)
ie. VP then 25 will display PVID = 1
In the case that you do configure this state and lock the web interface out, then you can recover by
connecting to the RS-232 console port and either disabling Tagged VLAN, or adjust the settings via
the following options.
VE - Enable/Disable 802.1Q VLAN
VF – Get 802.1Q VLAN Enable Setting
2.6.1 Enable/Disable VLAN
In the 802.1Q VLAN page, you can enable/disable the tag-based VLAN function by clicking the
(Enable) or (Disable) hyperlink beside the page header:
Enable – to activate the tag-based VLAN function (this will disable the port-based VLAN
Disable – to de-activate the tag-based VLAN function. (Any existing tag-based VLAN entries
will be retained although tag-based VLAN functions will be disabled. Any retained port-based
VLAN entries will auto enable.)
2.6.2 802.1Q VLAN Port Configuration
Click the Port number to configure the port for 802.1q VLAN.
The following figure shows the 802.1Q VLAN Port Configuration page by port. (e.g. Port10)
You can select an individual port for configuring the 802.1q settings in the following fields:
PVID – enter a valid VLAN ID(1-4094), the PVID must be one of the existing VLAN group ID.
UnTag Frame – Accept or drop incoming untagged frames.
Tag Frame – Accept or drop incoming tagged frames.
Finally, there are 2 buttons to select:
Apply: To submit the port configuration settings to the switch.
Back: To revert back to the 802.1q main setting page without saving.
2.6.3 802.1Q VLAN Config
The following figure displays the add/delete/edit function for 802.1q VLAN entries. Each VLAN
entry has 3 parameters, VID, Tag Members and UnTag Members to be assigned.
After selecting the Create New VLAN, the figure shown as below will display:
VID – a unique VLAN ID, range is from 1 to 4094
Tag Members & UnTag Members – Click the U/T icon to switch between Non Member, Tag
Member or Untag Member.
Select the VID (1-4094) and within the member row select the ports which will belong to this VLAN
group. After these settings are completed, click the Create button to submit the data to the switch.
Click the Cancel button to abort the actions and revert back to the VLAN Config page.
Here is an example on how to configure the 802.1q VLAN. Now there are four existing 802.1q
VLAN entries shown as below.
Note: You can delete 802.1q VLAN entries via the selecting the Vlan from the dropdown list and
(e.g. VID = 200), then click the Remove This VLAN button to perform the deletion.
Note the 802.1q VLAN table now shows the following entries:
The VID entry (VID=200) is successfully deleted.
If you would like to edit the parameters of an 802.1q VLAN, just select a VID to be changed (e.g.
VID =300), then make the required changes and click the Apply button : Port 17 and Port18 are
selected to be the tag members of this group.
2.7 Trunking
The GSS-24T2SFP web smart switch supports MAC-based trunking. This allows more than one port
to be grouped together as a single link connection between two switch devices. This is also useful for
switch-to-server and switch-to-router applications. The GSS-24T2SFP web smart switch allows four
trunk groups that can accommodate up to eight trunk members in each group. A port in one trunk
group cannot be a member of another trunk simultaneously. This feature provides redundancy and
increases the effective bandwidth through a link. Traffic patterns are balanced between the ports
within a trunk group by dynamically performing a MAC-based load balancing algorithm. This is
supported only on point-to-point links with MACs operating in full duplex mode. All links in the
same trunk group must operate at the same rate.
The GSS-24T2SFP web smart switch provides dynamic failover support within the trunk group. If a
port within the trunk group fails, the other ports of the trunk group automatically assume the extra
traffic load currently running through the link. Under normal operating modes, the links within the
trunk group should have an equal amount of traffic. To achieve this, this switch performs load
balancing based on a distribution algorithm.
The following parameters should be configured to enable this:
Distribution Criterion – Select a distribution algorithm from which the switch will perform
load balancing:
SA (Source MAC Address)
DA (Destination MAC Address)
SA + DA (both SA and DA)
Member – the member port(s) of trunk group(s)
Select the Trunk menu on the web page to activate the page shown as below.
2.7.1 Trunking Rules
The following rules determine your configuration for port trunking:
The attributes of all trunk member ports in Port Configuration, Mirror, Rate Control, 802.1Q
VLAN and Port-Based VLAN functions must be the same.
All trunk member ports can not be a capture port or monitored port in the Mirror function.
If Port1/Port2 is using fiber media and wants to be grouped with ports using copper (Port3 –
Port24) as a trunk group, then the auto negotiation option must be Enabled for all member ports;
If both Port1 & Port2 are the only trunk member ports and they are using fiber media, the auto
negotiation option can be Enabled or Disabled.
After enabling a trunk group, a new trunk port will be created in the port list. For example, Port2,
Port4, and Port6 belong to Trunk 1. Checking the Port Status page will indicate the addition of
Trk1 at the end of the list and the member ports of this trunk group will no be displayed.
When the enabled trunk group is set to disabled, all trunk member ports will be released to
ordinary ports and their functions can be configured individually. At that moment, their
configuration attributes will be returned to their previous state. The following 3 figures show that
the settings of a port while in a trunk group can be reverted back to normal once not in the trunk
group any more.
2.7.2 Get/Refresh the Latest Trunk Settings
Click the Trunk menu on the web page, the latest trunk settings on the switch will be displayed.
2.7.3 Enable Trunk
Step 1: Choose the Distribution Criterion.
Step 2: Choose the member port(s) up to 8 ports for each trunk group.
Step 3: Click the Apply button to enable trunk settings.
2.7.4 Modify Trunk Settings
Step 1: Choose the Distribution Criterion.
Step 2: Choose the member port(s) up to 8 ports for each trunk group.
Step 3: Click the Apply button to modify trunk settings.
2.7.5 Disable Trunk
Step 1: Click the Not Trunking hyperlink (the baseline option)
Step 2: Click the Apply button to disable trunking.
2.8 Port Mirroring
Port mirroring allows ingress and/or egress traffic to be monitored by a single port. The single port is
defined as the mirror capture port. The GSS-24T2SFP web smart switch can be configured to mirror
the ingress and/or egress traffics of another port. Port monitoring is independent of L2 switching.
Select the Mirror menu on the web page to activate the configuration page.
2.8.1 Get/Refresh the Latest Mirror Settings
Click the Mirror menu on the web page, the latest mirror settings on the switch will be displayed.
The following parameters can be set:
Mirroring Options – There are four options for each port:
Disable Mirror – to disable mirror function.
Mirror All Frames – to set the corresponding port configuration to monitor bi-directional
Mirror Incoming Frames – to set the corresponding port configuration to monitor ingress
traffic only (receiving, Rx).
Mirror Outgoing Frames – to set the corresponding port configuration to monitor egress
traffic only (transmitting, Tx).
Monitored Port – The port which is to be monitored. (more than one can be selected)
Capture Port – All traffic mirrored from monitored port is sent to this port.
2.8.2 Enable Mirror
Step 1: Choose the Mirror option as Mirror All Frames.
Step 2: Choose the Monitored Port (ie Port16)
Step 3: Choose the Capture Port (ie Port8)
Step 4: Click the Apply button to enable the mirroring settings.
2.8.3 Modify Mirror Settings
Step 1: Change the Mirror option as Mirror Outgoing Frames.
Step 2: Change the Monitored Port to be Port3
Step 3: Change the Capture Port to be Port22.
Step 4: Click the Apply button to modify the mirroring settings.
2.8.4 Disable Mirror
Step 1: Choose the Mirror option as Disable Mirror.
Step 2: Click the Apply button to disable mirroring.
2.9 QOS (Quality of Service)
The 24G web smart switch provides up to four internal transmit queues per port to support four
different traffic priorities. High-priority traffic experiences less delay in the switch than that of lower
priority traffic under congested conditions. This can be critical for congestion sensitive traffic such as
VOIP. The GSS-24T2SFP web smart switch provides three types of QOS. It can assign packets to one
of four transmit queues according to 802.1P QOS. If the incoming packet is untagged, the
GSS-24T2SFP web smart switch uses the priority field in the per-port Default Priority configuration
screen (Port Config page) to assign the packet to one of four transmit queues. If the incoming packet
is tagged or priority tagged, the 24G web smart switch uses the priority field in the incoming packet
tag to assign the packet to one of four transmit queues.
The GSS-24T2SFP web smart switch also provides a remap function. The switch inserts packets into
the transmit queue based on the priority ID. To extend QOS functionality, administrators can assign a
map between priority and queues. The switch can handle the packets transmit by the Tx Queue by a
Weighted Round-Robin algorithm.
Select the QOS menu on the web page to activate the page shown as below.
2.9.1 Get/Refresh the Latest QOS Settings
Click the QOS menu on the web page, the latest QOS settings on the switch will be displayed.
The following parameters can be configured:
Scheduling Method
Strict Priority – Sets the switch to transmit packets with Strict Priority algorithm
Weighted Round Robin – Set the switch to transmit packets based on a Weighted Round
Robin algorithm
Priority/Queue Map
To set the Priority and Queue map.
To set the weight for every transmit queue. (Weight range: 1 ~ 15)
The weight of a higher queue should not be less than the previous lower queue.
2.9.2 Enable QOS
Step 1: Choose the Scheduling Method (ie: Weighted Round Robin).
Step 2: Set Priority/Queue map (ie: Priority1, 2, 3 and 4 belong to Queue0, Priority4 and 5
belong to Queue1, Priority6 belongs to Queue2, Priority7 belongs to Queue4).
Step 3: If the scheduling method is Weighted Round Robin, assign a weight for every transmit
queue (ex: Queue0 weight = 1, Queue1 weight = 3, Queue2 weight = 5, Queue3 weight = 7).
Step 4: Click the Apply button to enable the QOS settings.
2.9.3 Modify QOS Settings
Step 1: Change the Scheduling Method to be Strict Priority.
Step 2: Change the Priority/Queue map (ie: Prirotiy0 belongs to Queue3, Priority1, 2 and 3
belong to Queue2, Priority4, 5 and 6 belong to Queue1, and Priority7 belongs to Queue0).
Step 3: Click the Apply button to modify the QOS settings.
2.10 Rate and Storm Control
To improve overall system performance, the GSS-24T2SFP web smart switch provides rate and
broadcast storm control. This can limit the per-port traffic rate and limit global broadcast storms from
reducing the performance of the overall system.
2.10.1 Rate Control
The switch supports per-port rate control. When the incoming frame rate of a particular port exceeds a
selected rate, the excess frame traffic is subject to flow control through either packet droping or flow
Click the Rate & Storm Control submenu to open the Rate Limit and Storm Control page to
configure this function.
Select the port number to setup the per-port rate control value. In this page an ingress rate limit
dropdown is shown as in the following figure, select one of 14 different rates to limit the rate or select
“No Limit” to allow un-limited data rates for this port.
After clicking the Apply button to activate the setting, the previous page will be displayed and the
latest settings activated.
2.10.2 Storm Control
In the Rate Limit and Storm Control page, the hyperlink (e.g. Disabled) on the row labeled Storm
Control, shows the current setting for this function. Enabling or Disabling this function will globally
affect to all ports in the system. Click the hyperlink to configure.
In the Storm Control page, there are 2 fields to configure:
Storm Control Type – 5 options are provided in this dropdown
Disabled – to disable storm control. This option will disable the dropdown in the Storm
Control Rate field
Broadcast only – to suppress the broadcast frames only
Broadcast and multicast – to suppress both the broadcast and multicast frames
Broadcast and unknown unicast – to suppress both the broadcast and unicast frames with
unknown destination MAC address
Broadcast, multicast and unicast – to suppress broadcast, multicast and unicast frames
with unknown destination MAC address
The following figure shows the options in the dropdown of the Storm Control Type field.
„ Storm Control Rate – this field provides 13 different control rates from 1fps (frames per second)
to 15,000fps. This dropdown will be disabled while the Storm Control Type is disabled.
After selecting the storm control type and rate, click the Apply button to activate the settings for this
function. The figure shown as below is an example of storm control configuration with a type
selection of “broadcast only” and a limited rate of 15fps.
2.11 System Setup
System Setup page provides management information for the switch. The page shown below can be
activated by clicking on the System Setup menu under the System section.
The following parameters can be configured / displayed:
Model Name – the model name of this switch (read-only)
Chip Version – the switch chipset version (read-only)
Firmware Version – the current version running on the switch (read-only)
DHCP Client – DHCP client status
IPAddress – the IP address to manage this switch.
Subnet mask – the network mask to identify the sub-network address
Gateway – the IP address of the default gateway
MAC address – the MAC address for the configuration port interface (read-only)
ARLAging – the aging time of dynamic ARL entry in address table
2.11.1 Firmware Update
The GSS-24T2SFP web smart switch provides a firmware update feature, customized requests and
system fault recovery. The page for this is shown below can be activated by clicking the Update link
in System Setup page.
This system supports both BOOTP/TFTP and TFTP to update the firmware. The TFTP server IP
address and firmware filename needs to be correctly provided to the switch to start the firmware
updating if the TFTP method is selected.
Firmware Update Via TFTP
To perform the firmware update process, it is necessary to correctly prepare a TFTP server and the
firmware file which will be uploaded to the switch by the TFTP server. (Please refer to the TFTP
software vendor’s instruction guide for setting up the TFTP server)
When the TFTP server and the firmware file are ready, enter the TFTP server IP address and firmware
filename. Click the Apply button to start the firmware update through any RJ-45 port on the switch.
The time for processing the firmware update will be approximately 50 seconds.
NOTE: If the switch can not connect to the TFTP server then click the Cancel button to stop
firmware update progress.
47 Firmware Update Via BOOTP/TFTP
Before performing the firmware update, please correctly prepare a BOOTP/TFTP server and the
firmware file which will be uploaded to the switch by the TFTP server. (Please refer to the TFTP
software vendor’s instruction guide for setting up the TFTP server).
When the BOOTP/TFTP server and the firmware file are ready, click the Apply button to start the
firmware update through the any RJ-45 port on the switch.
The time for processing the firmware update will be approximately 50 seconds.
2.11.2 DHCP Client
The IP address of the GSS-24T2SFP web smart switch can be statically assigned by the system
administrator or dynamically assigned by a DHCP server. Assign a fixed IP address
Change DHCP Client to be disabled. Enter a fixed IP address, Subnet mask and Gateway, and then
click the Apply button. Assign an IP address by DHCP server
Change DHCP Client to be enabled. The system’s IP address, subnet mask anb gateway address will
be assigned immediately by a LAN based DHCP server.
Note: Your web browser connection may be lost at this point, as the switch IP address may be
reconfigured from the DHCP server – use the switch console port or interrogate the DHCP server to
discover the new IP address.
The IP address, Subnet mask and Gateway fields will be in a read-only state when the DHCP client
is set to Enabled.
2.11.3 ARLAging
The GSS-24T2SFP web smart switch supports an auto aging timer for MAC address entries in
address table. If ARL aging is enabled and aging time is 300 seconds, every MAC address entry
learned from every front port will keep in the address table for 300 seconds. After 300 seconds, the
switch will remove the MAC entry.
Click ARLAging to modify aging time settings. Check Enable ARLAging checkbox to enable it.
Uncheck Enable ARLAging to disable it. Enter aging timer and click Apply button to set aging time.
2.12 User Management
The User management screen is used to maintain the username and password for login validation to
access to the switch. The switch provides only one login account for configuration management.
Click the User Management menu to activate the User Management page shown as below:
New Username – to set the username string (max. 10 characters)
New Password – to set the password string (max. 10 characters)
Retype Password – to confirm the password string (max 10 characters)
2.13 Reset System
The switch can be rebooted or factory defaulted via the following methods.
Click Reboot System menu to reboot the switch.
Click Reset System menu to reset the switch to its factory default settings.
Reboot System –Reboot the system. All configuration settings will be retained. If you want to
keep all your configurations then select this option.
Reset System – Reset all configurations (including the username, password and IP address; only
the MAC address will not be changed) to default settings before rebooting the system. Means
that any customized configurations will be lost and can not be recovered.
The GSS-24T2SFP web smart switch also provides an alternative to Reset System by using the Reset
button on the rear panel:
While the system is running (the DIAG LED indicator is ON), pressing and holding the Reset
button (over 5 seconds) until the DIAG LED indicator begins flashing, at any time will
activate the Write Default procedure.
After this procedure is completed, the switch will be rebooted and initialized using the default settings
The GSS-24T2SFP switch takes approximatly10 seconds to reboot. You need to login the system
again to enter the web management configuration.
2.14 Command Line Interface (CLI)
In addition to the web management interface, the GSS-24T2SFP web smart switch also provides a
serial interface (RS-232) as a console port on the rear panel to manage the switch. A Windows Hyper
Terminal session is recommended for use. This section will explain how to setup and use Hyper
Terminal to manage this switch.
2.14.1 Hyper Terminal Setup Options
Baud Rate: 19200 bps
Data Bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Flow control: None
2.14.2 Switch Management Commands In Console
„ Login System
After the system has started, the following prompt will displayed on the Hyper Terminal
session. The administrator needs a valid username and password to login this system. The
username and password in CLI are the same as the ones using for login access through the
web page.
After entering the username, the following prompt will be displayed. The Administrator
should enter the correct password.
„ Help Menu
Press “H”, “h” or “?” to show all management commands in console.
„ Get System Information
Press “IG” or “ig” to show model name and firmware version.
„ Get Current Network Settings
Press “NG” or “ng” to show DHCP client status, system IP address, network mask, gateway
and MAC address.
„ Configure Network
Press “NS” or “ns” to configure system network.
If the Administrator wants to assign the switch an IP address by DHCP server, then enter
“Y” or “y” to start DHCP process.
If the Administrator wants to assign the switch a fixed IP address, then enter “N” or “n” to
abort DHCP progress.
„ User Management
Press “UM” or “um” to configure the admin account and password which is used to login
the switch. Enter new username and password. After confirming the password, the system
will ask you to re-login.
„ Upgrade Firmware Via TFTP or BOOTP/TFTP
Press “UF” or “uf” to start firmware upgrade progress via TFTP server.
Choose “1” to update firmware via TFTP. Enter TFTP server IP address and firmware
Choose “2” to update firmware via BOOTP/TFTP.
After the GSS-24T2SFP firmware upgrade process is finished. Press “IG” or “ig” to check
firmware version after login.
„ Reboot System
Press “RB” or “rb” to restart this system.
„ Reboot System After Write Default
Press “RD” or “rd” to reset the switch to factory default settings.
„ Logout
Press “LO” or “lo” to logout system.
3 Specifications
„ Standards Compliance
IEEE 802.3 10BaseT Ethernet
IEEE 802.3u 100BaseTX Fast Ethernet
IEEE 802.3ab 1000Base Gigabit Ethernet
IEEE 802.3x flow control both on half and full duplex
IEEE 802.1q Tag-based VLAN
„ Interfaces
24 1000BaseTX RJ-45 connector ports,
2 mini-GBIC ports
1 RS-232 terminal port
„ Buffer Memory
512MB for packet buffers
8K entries for MAC
4K entries for VLAN
„ Packet Forwarding and Filtering Rates
1Gbps Ethernet: 1,488,000 packets per second per port
100Mbps Ethernet: 148,800 packets per second per port
10Mbps Ethernet: 14,880 packets per second per port
„ Environment
Operation temperature: 5 to 45 centigrade
Operating humidity: 10%-90%, non-condensing
Storage temperature: -20 to 70 centigrade
„ LED Panel Display
1 power LED: Green (normal)
1 Diagnostics LED: Green (normal), Blinking (reset configuration)
Port LEDs: Port1 – 24, left corner of each RJ-45 port, Green (link ok), Blinking (activity)
Speed LEDs: Port1 – 24, right corner of each RJ-45 port, Green (1Gbps), Vanish (10Mbps or
Fiber LEDs: Port1 – 2, Green (link ok), Blinking (activity)
„ Power
Input: 100-240VAC, 50/60Hz
Power consumption: 40 Watts max.
„ Dimensions
440mm (W) × 184mm (D) × 44mm (H)
„ Weight
2.3 Kg
„ Electromagnetic Emissions: Class A
„ Safety
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